Sunday, September 11, 2011


No, don't gloat over me
Though I fall, though I fall
I will rise again
Though I sit here in darkness
The Lord, the Lord alone
He will be my light
I will be patient 
As the Lord
Punishes me 
For the wrongs I've done
Against Him
After that 
He'll take my case
Bringing me 
To light and the justice
For all I have suffered

-Jon Foreman Equally skilled

Loose the Fire in me Lord

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I Hate Winter

There are a lot of people in the world. I will never know them and they will never know me.  Im sitting in Starbucks, having one of those moments where you look at peoples faces as they walk in and out and have no idea what they are going through in life. I see the little teenage girls and can see the insecurity. It saddens me. I see the adults and who knows what they have been through or are currently. Crazy. We are all victims of insecurity but I think it takes a long time to be at peace with it and not let it rule our actions. In high school it seems to most certainly rule over the masses. Sucks. Thank goodness for younglife ;)

Winters approaching fast. I hate it so much. I don't like to think about how it's not going to be sunny for the next 7-8 months. What a Joke. WHAT a joke. Goodbye sandals goodbye tan and goodbye outdoor activities.

Delighting in God is sweet. I think God is trying to make it be a foundation in my life. You know what I love most about delighting in him? I feel so satisfied content and PLEASED with him, where I'm at with him and in circumstances. So not only is just that sweet but on top of that he promises you that if you delight in him he will give you the desires of your heart!! CRAZYY!! Thats a promise folks!! Psalm 37:4 Whata God.

Dear God, I delight in you and am pleased with you. Now my hearts desire is to send winter away forever. Amen.

Please Continue to...

Loose the Fire!